Transformative Self-Healing

Personal Levels 1 and 2
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 12, 19, & 26, August 2, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Online, Anywhere
Teacher: Scott McBride
Price: $495

Transformation is essential to the growth and evolution of each person.

We can either crash-bang-boom in and through transformation (I call this ‘ugly’ transformation), where we are painfully thrust into shifting and changing due to the circumstances in our lives. Or we can get in the driver’s seat of our transformation, and choose a path that we want.

Transformative Self-Healing is the primary, foundational tool for energetic transformation. It will help you stay on the front end of the ride, instead of getting whiplash from the chaos.

This 13-week course dives into the energetics of transformation, so that you can understand how you’ve transformed in the past, what’s being asked to transform in your life now, and easily ride the wave of transformation in the future.

You’ll also learn the easy-to-use but incredibly powerful CCT protocol for self-transformation (along with a slew of other tools you can use on a daily basis).

*There are no pre-requisites for this class. Anyone may sign up!

Note: In this class, you will learn to perform these healing and transformation techniques for yourself. If you would like to practice these techniques for yourself and others, you’ll want to learn them for yourself first, and then come join the practitioner-level course “Discovering the Map of Transformation”.

BENEFITS of taking this class include:
• Learning about the New Energy Paradigm, and why it’s important to be in it
• Understanding what your Crystalline Energy System is and how it can help you
• Connecting directly with Crystalline Consciousness
• Staying in Energetic Integrity
• Protecting your energy field in times of transformation/chaos
• Creating Group fields to enhance the positive dynamics in a group
• Knowing what Transformation is and how to work with it so that it is easy and joyful
• Practicing Self-Healing Techniques
• Mastering Personal Muscle Testing
• Creating effective Healing Intentions
• Using Sacred Geometry
• Receive a special ‘I AM’ Meditation, connecting you and your Higher Self directly to the Divine
• **PLUS** Receive a lifetime membership to the ‘Transformative Self-Healing’ Online Support Group in the Ray of Life Healing Community!

FEATURES of this class include:
• Live online class format
• All modules are recorded for (short-term) reviewing
• Includes a manual, CCT Divination card deck, Crystalline Energy Field Protocol Card, and digital copy of the book, “Transformation and the Emergence of The Crystalline System”
• Crystalline Energy Fields can be set up for yourself and any group you’re a part of
• Transformative Self-Healing protocol can be used for yourself
• Includes ELEVEN Healing Meditations
• Has Two Activations (A CCT energy session that unlocks the protocol so that you can use it)
• Includes the I AM Meditation for healing the Soul
• Has 10 modules, and is taught over the course of 13 weeks

2 Activations:
1st: Sent via e-mail/recording at time of sign up.
2nd: May 3, 2024

2023 Class Dates/Times:
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 12, 19, & 26
August 2

3:00 – 5:00pm EST

(all dates/times required)

Class Price:
$495 one time payment (or...)
2 payments @ $250 each (or...)
4 payments @ $130 each

If auditing, please contact me directly for pricing

Deadline to Signup: May 2, 2023