Yvonne Roza

Facilitating Harmony of Mind-Body-Emotion-Spirit

Yvonne has journeyed a life-time through many modalities of healing. She sees her 38 years of hairdressing as a stealth form of "Hands-on" healing as well as Intuitive Counseling. Although she hasn't always seen it this way, it was her clients who showed her the healing benefits of caring touch, listening, feeling heard, and seeing their own unique beauty. Now retired from hairdressing, she continues her practice but in the medium of energy healing.

Through the experience of her own healing, she began a journey 8 years ago of exploring anything that Spirit put before her. Through that journey she became aware of her calling...to help others see, experience and embody their own unique light. "I don't see myself as a healer; one must do that for one's self. Mostly my practice is holding a safe container for someone to do their own healing. I provide sound, caring touch, and visual guidance."

Her special ability is to experience any healing modality, and glean that which resonates with Truth for her through the path of Heart; integrating it into her own unique style of healing.

Sound Healing
"I am in love with Sound Healing. Sound is such a powerful tool for shifting blocked energies, yet non-intrusive. I see illness as a "dis-chord" of frequencies. The right sounds, such as toning, crystal and metal bowls, and drumming can bring in harmony -mind, body and emotion. I have worked with Tom Kenyon, completed the Sound Healing certification program offered by Jonathan Goldman, and a member of Sound Healers Association. (link: http://www.soundhealersassociation.org/member/show/505) The greatest gift was learning how sound empowers intentions."

Harmonic Healing
A unique method of "tuning" energy fields into harmony pioneered by Deena Spear in Ithaca, NY. With the tools of mind, heart and sound, along with the power of Hebrew letters, the frequency of anything can be tuned into harmony. Harmonic Healing is simple yet powerful and beautiful as well.

Crystalline Consciousness Technique
"From my first introduction to CCT, it was a perfect fit. It helped me so tremendously that I knew I had to add this to my practice. Powerful on its own, it is also an ideal companion in a blend of healing modalities."

Yvonne also offers Intuitive Counseling, hands-on vibrational healing, as well as classes and workshops in Sound and Harmonic Healing; and soon hopes to add CCT to her list of workshops. Her practice is located at QuietStar in San Luis Obispo, Ca. She also offers remote sessions. (link:http://vibrationalhealing.com/sessions.html)